We had a couple of "I Can't Believe Its" happen at the Thorne house this week. One, Toots started rolling over from back to tummy finally!! And, Toots had a tooth break through :) It is still just broken through the gums at the top, the rest of the tooth hasn't popped up, yet, so I don't have a picture. He wasn't grumpy before it happened (which was yesterday), just seemed to sleep more, but today he is SUPER grumpy and still sleepy so I don't know if the second one is going to come through soon or what.
On another note, we also got our first-time homebuyers tax credit check in the mail! Yay! We got to get some things we've been wanting to get for the house, including getting tile put in the upstairs bathroom and utility room (that's happening next Monday), getting a TV stand for the living room, a table for the entryway, a TV for upstairs, and some other small things. We also used some of it to get Tucker's teeth cleaned.
Nothing much else is going on. I'm still doing P90X (I know, I never did a Skinny Tuesday update) and I'm feeling like I'm starting to look better and I'm eating a lot healthier, but the scale isn't moving :(
Toots is also moving his legs a little bit underneath him and back out like he is trying to crawl. He can also stand up for a couple seconds on his own if you stand him up against something he can hold on to. And, he had his first grilled cheese sandwich this weekend when we were out to lunch and I hadn't brought anything for him to eat. He liked it a lot :) He won't be getting a lot of those, but it's nice to know we have options if we're out and I happen to not have something for him to eat.
Here's some pictures.
Riding his horse, with Daddy's help, of course :) I want that Coke so.bad. (Don't worry, he doesn't get to drink it! I just let him hold the can and touch it sometimes before I open it because he likes the coldness).
Before he was born, my mom bought him this "There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly" storyboard with the woman and all the things she swallows and you stuff them into her mouth as you read the story. I brought it out for the first time this week and read it to him. He thought it was funny and then proceeded to go ahead and eat the Old Woman to show her what it feels like for someone to eat you up.
A little swinging time at the park! We haven't been able to hang up the swing we have for him at the house because the beams on our backporch are hollow we found out and we haven't figured out a way to rig up something to hang it from (no trees in the backyard, either.).
I just had to get a picture of those scrumptious cheeks. Someday they'll be gone and I don't want to forget them!
Now Toots, you can't be spitting up on Longhorns!! No, no, no.
Haha. He's precious, Lauren!
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