Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Tim's mom came to Fort Worth and spent the 23rd until the 26th with us and we had a great time. We went and saw Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Day. The movie theatre was PACKED. The movie was good, I really like Robert Downey, Jr. but it was hard to understand the actors with their accents and the speed they talked sometimes.
Tim gave me a baby carriage charm for my Pandora bracelet and also a silver heart necklace with the baby's initials stamped on it and a little diamond on the heart. It has a little pearl and a little garnet (his birthstone, if he's born in January) hanging next to the heart. I love it! His mom gave the baby some really cute stuff and I got some beautiful earrings from James Avery and a cute shirt and some other good stuff.
Saturday, after his mom left, we went to Waco to have Christmas with my dad, Nancy, and the kids. We got there around lunchtime and opened gifts first. I got Reebok Easy Tone shoes (the ones that have the balance ball technology on the bottom of them), Miracle Blankets for Brendan, Hobby Lobby and iTunes giftcards, a funny book called "Sippy Cups are Not For Chardonnay,"and a few other things. Tim got some hunting gloves and stuff for the Wii. We also went and ate at Chuy's because it just opened in Waco. It was SO good. Sunday, we got up and went to church and had lunch and then headed back to Fort Worth.
We had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with everyone. Sunday, I took all the decorations down - I'm not one of those people who wants to leave them up for awhile after Christmas. As soon as the day is over, I'm pretty ready to get it all cleaned up and put away.
Here's my belly picture for the week. I look a little bit bigger. Also, I'm considered full-term now, so Toots is welcome to come anytime he wants to :)
I had my weekly doctor's appointment today. My feet are incredibly swollen, but he said since I don't have any other symptoms, it's probably just because I'm getting ready for labor and not pre-eclampsia or anything like that. I don't know if the picture even does them justice. They are HUGE.He said I am a "good 2 cm" dialated - so I guess maybe a tiny bit more than last week? He said he doesn't think I will dialate anymore until I am actually in labor. I am 70% effaced (you need to be 100% to deliver the baby but he was happy with that) and his head is at a -2 station (*edited because I just looked at one of my pregnancy books and it says -2 is higher than if you were at +2 and I thought the opposite. Anyway, when he was doing my internal, he was like "there's his head" and said that he is low in my pelvis, so I don't know how much of a difference there is between -2 and +2). He said they usually don't induce people until 2 weeks after their due date but they would consider up to a week before the due date and he told me if I was getting close to my due date and haven't had the baby yet, we would probably talk about inducing. If I get that close, I will probably just want to induce on January 14th (just 3 days early) because that's my Papa's birthday and I would like it if he could be born that day. But, that's IF he doesn't want to come earlier on his own ;) Also, my belly measured right on track today, so it's not measuring ahead now - maybe he just had a growth spurt and now he's more on track, we'll see when he's born.
Basically, nothing new is going on with the baby to make an update except that he's ready to come out whenever now. He is still moving around often and getting the hiccups.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I think that's about all. I have another appointment next Monday, so I'll post another update then. BUT, it's a Blue Moon (second full moon in a month) on December 31st. So, if you want to send me some labor dust for that day or sometime before next Monday, that'd be great, too!
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 3:17 PM
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As someone who had an induction for a late baby, don't do it unless you have to. You can't move around at all if you have an induction you are stuck in the bed, they won't even let you get up to pee. Even before an epidural. Let nature take it's course if at all possible. i am not trying to be preachy just letting you know. If you have any labor questions email me.
Awww... My feet got bad towards the end too. I hope you get to put them up a lot!
OH Lauren... If we do dinner this week, I will rub your feet, lol. I'm telling ya, the swelling is soooo much better the second time around. I was so swollen with Miss and not neeearly as swollen this time. And all my friends said the same thing.
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