I'm three weeks old today! Here's me lounging around after my naked tummy time. I have a diaper rash so we have to let it air out to make it go away. I LOVE naked tummy time. It's much better than tummy time with clothes. Sometimes I still have trouble focusing and my eyes do funny things...
Just in case you didn't know...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Three Weeks Old
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 5:18 PM 6 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Insert Witty Title Here
Well, I can't tell much difference between Week 1 and Week 2 from the side, but from the front, I can tell my tummy has gone down some more, especially down low. But, I can't show you that because then I'd have to be pants-less for the picture ;) I've lost two more pounds, so I have 24 pounds until I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Like I said, Tim was gone on Friday and part of the day Saturday, so I was home by myself with Toots. He actually had an awesome night and slept 2.5, 3, and 3.5 hours between feedings. That's the best he's done so far but it didn't stick the next two nights. He did, however, sleep 3 hours between one feeding last night, so that was nice.
Saturday, I went to Dallas and had lunch with my friend, Stephanie, at State & Allen restaurant. If you live in Dallas and haven't been there or if you are ever visiting Dallas, go there - it's great! It's especially nice at night when it is good weather because they have a big patio area. I hung out with her for awhile and then came back to Fort Worth and waited on Tim to get home. We had Fuzzy's for dinner and relaxed.
I wanted to go to church on Sunday but Toots didn't have the greatest night of all on Saturday and he had just gone back to sleep at 8:00 AM and that was when we would need to be getting dressed for church. I am determined to make it this next Sunday, though! We met our friends Alan and Jen and their son, Conner, for lunch at Baker Bros. We were happy to finally introduce Toots to them after I had had to cancel our plans several times. We watched football the rest of the day. I'm SO EXCITED that the Colts are going to the Super Bowl!! I'm a BIG Peyton Manning fan. I might be known to call him my boyfriend at least once a week :)
Tim is taking one last week of half-days so he comes home around 1:00 each day. Instead of taking a full week off, we decided it would be good for him to do two half-weeks. We're going to miss him coming home early everyday and being able to go on walks with us in the afternoon. Tonight, we went to Best Buy and bought some Disney movies that are about to go in the vault - Pinocchio, 101 Dalmations, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White, and Tim finally got a Blu-Ray player, which he has been wanting for a long time. He won his Fantasy Football competition, so he used his winnings to buy it. We also went and ate at Freebirds, which is one of his favorite places.
Here's some pictures:
In the bouncer, looking intently at something he probably can't really see :)
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Well, hello there!
I finally got a few pictures with Toot's eyes open! Yay!
We had his two week appointment yesterday and he weighed 8 lbs 10 ounces! That's a gain of 21 ounces in 10 days - he's definitely a growing boy! They don't measure height again until one month so we've got a couple weeks before that. He also ate out of a bottle for the first time on Thursday and did great with it. It will be helpful when we're out and about and it's time for a feeding.
Last weekend, when we went to Crockett, two different times in the car, Toots did this weird jerking/twitching thing with his hands and feet that really scared us because it wasn't normal jerking in his sleep like you see babies do and the second time it happened it took me 10 minutes to wake him up. We mentioned it to the doctor and he decided to send us for an ultrasound of his brain. We got it done today and, thankfully, everything looks fine! The doctor just said to warch and if it happens again to call him.
Tonight and most of the day tomorrow, I will be by myself with Toots. Tim had to o to Beaumont because our sister-in-law's mother died this past week from cancer. She was a wonderful lady and actually taught me physics and another class in high school. I am upset to not be able to go to the funeral, but we didn't think it would be a good idea for Toots to travel that far this early on (it's about a 5 hour drive). I'm glad Tim is able to be there even if I'm a little nervous to be taking care of him all on my own.
I decided to continue my post partum updates on Sundays, so I'll post again then. Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Here's the pictures :)
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Two Weeks
Brendan is two weeks old today! These pictures are pretty terrible but I couldn't get him to cooperate with me today -he's been really fussy last night and today. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'll update with some stats either then or this weekend.
Hope your week is going well! OH, and I noticed I've gotten several new followers over the past week or so. Welcome and thanks for following my blog! I'd love to hear from you in the comments sometime!
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 3:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sorry it's taken me a little while to post again! We've been getting adjusted to life with Toots this past week or so. My mom came to help two diffrent times, so that has been a big help. It hasn't been too bad, he has just had a few bad nights where he didn't sleep well but it's still difficult to adjust to being woken up every 2-3 hours for feedings. I especially have a hard time making myself take a nap during the day because I feel fine once I get up for the day, but then I am more exhausted at night.
I decided I would start doing a weekly post-partum picture as well to show y'all how my body is changing after pregnancy and to keep myself motivated to get back to pre-pregnancy shape. I'm going to start today with the very first belly picture I took when I found out I was pregnant, the last belly picture I took before delivering, and the first week of post-partum. I'm late for this week's first picture (I just took it today instead of Wednesday), so I don't know if there will be much difference between week 1 and week 2 but I didn't want to not take one this week.
First Belly Picture (June 2, 2009) (Um, who is this person? This doesn't even look like my face anymore! Ahhh...So this is the goal picture for what I want to look like again as much as possible) Last Belly Picture (January 4, 2010)
First Post-Pregnancy Picture (January 17,2010)
Saturday, we drove to Crockett so Toots could meet my Nanny, Papa, Aunt, Uncle, cousins, and my Mammaw and Pappaw. Tim's brother, Brian, also drove to Crockett for a few hours so that he could meet him as well. He had lots of new people he met this weekend! It was great to get to see everyone and introduce him to them. He had a really good night last night and slept about 3 1/2 hours at one point and the other times he ate and went back to sleep quickly, so that was really nice. We drove back to Fort Worth this afternoon, half-way through the Cowboy's game when it became apparent they weren't going to do anything worth watching!
Just so y'all know that he DOES have eyes and he CAN open them....even if it's not very often! Oh, and I think he looks so hilarious/cute with this hat on. He's looking like he's not amused in this picture.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a great week! I'll try to update again sometime this week.
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 10:12 PM 5 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Nanny Update
I realized I had not given y'all an update on my grandmother, who I asked you to pray for last week because she had to be sent to the hospital for a heart issue.
She had gone with my Papa to their house in Red River, NM and wasn't feeling well while they were there and also on their way home. The day they got home, she had to take nitroglycerine/nitroglycerides (I'm not sure what it's called) twice because her heart was hurting. She had a heart attack several years ago when I was in 4th grade, so she was concerned and made a doctor's appointment the next day. The doctor decided she needed to be sent to Tyler (the next biggest town where she could have tests done) by ambulance. She stayed in the hospital overnight and they ran a stress test on her the next day. She started having a pain while they were doing the stress test so they stopped it and decided to do a dye test on her heart. She just had one last year that showed no blockage, but this one showed significant blockage in three arteries.
While my mom and stepdad were rushing to Fort Worth for the baby's birth, my mom got a call that my Nanny would have to have a tripe bypass the next day. Happily and luckily, she had it on Thursday and everything went wonderfully. She got to come home today but still has a long road of recovery ahead of her.
So, thank you for your prayers for everything to work out for her! If you could keep praying that she has a quick and easy recovery ahead, that would be great!
Hope y'all are having a good week so far :)
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Birth Story and Brendan Mania :)
WARNING: This is a LONGGG post!
I wanted to update while I have a chance - Toots is taking a little nap right now. I'm going to put my birth story in here. If you don't like reading that stuff, feel free to skip to the end for some pictures :) I just always enjoyed hearing people's experiences, so that's why I'm including it.
Tuesday night, we went to bed at around 11:00 and were talking about what we were going to do the next day. Tim was thinking the baby might make his arrival on Thursday so he was going to get a haircut Wednesday and I was going to bathe and groom Tucker. I woke up at 4:00 AM to my phone ringing and it said "Private Number" so I didn't answer (I get calls like that sometimes randomly - I think maybe because I still have a College Station number so I might be getting drunk dialed). I went to the bathroom and got back in bed and was thinking that I thought Toots would be born on a day where he didn't have the hiccups. Right after I thought that, he got the hiccups! He had them for about 20-25 minutes and then stopped. Shortly after they stopped, I got a realllly intense pain my lower uterus/groin area. My whole uterus got hard so I thought it might be a contraction. I stayed awake to pay attention and had another one about 5 minutes later and then another 5 minutes after that. They were extremely intense - felt like someone was stabbing me in the groin area and it was hard to breathe.
I didn't want Tim to get up if it was a false alarm, so I got up and put some pants and a long-sleeved shirt on to go out into the living room to get on my computer to time them on The Bump's Contraction Counter. He woke up and I told him my stomach was hurting so I was going to go in the living room. I timed the contractions for 30 minutes and they were 4.5-5 minutes apart, lasting about a minute each. I knew this was the real thing (doctor said to go to the hospital when they were 5 minutes apart, 1 minute each, for 1 hour) so I went to wake up Tim. I told him I'd been having contractions 5 minutes apart for 30 minutes and he needed to get up. He flew out of bed and we started getting the last-minute stuff together and getting dressed while I kept timing. He came out to help me time and they go to be about 3 minutes apart at a little less than 20 more minutes of timing so we decided we better leave then.
My contractions were KILLING me on the way to the hospital. We got there and they got me hooked up and got me to change into a hospital gown. The nurse did a quick internal on me and said I was 5 cm dialated (remember, I was 3 cm on Monday, two days earlier) and told us we could let everyone know we weren't leaving. She also had stuff drip off her hand and thought my water broke, but the test came back equivocal, so she wasn't for sure. I felt a gush not too long after that and they decided it probably had broken or was at least leaking. I had to answer a bunch of questions between contractions and I was really anxious to get to the labor and delivery room so I could get my epidural. I was starting to get nauseous when I had my contractions and really didn't want to barf on myself while waiting!
At about 6:45-7:00, I got in the labor and delivery room and met the nurse that would be helping us. She ordered my epidural and the anesthesiologist got there pretty soon after that (I can't remember exactly the time). The epidural didn't hurt at all but the numbing medicine they give you before hand hurt really bad to me. They said it would feel like a bee sting, but it felt more like a "pop" on my back to me and I jumped and started shaking really badly. It was TOTALLY worth it, though, when it kicked in and that's when I updated here on the blog that I was in labor and also updated facebook. My contractions had gotten to be 2 minutes apart before the epidural but they slowed to about 6 minutes apart once I got it.
Soon after I got the epidural, the doctor came in to check me and said I was 8 cm dialated! I couldn't believe I had dialated so quickly in such a short amount of time. He had to do a surgery at about 9:00 and said he thought I would have the baby by noon. He came back about 9:30 and checked me again and said we were ready to push right then. I had a little bit of water left, so he broke it the rest of the way and left for a little bit while I started pushing. The pushing was pretty intense but luckily after the first or second round, I was able to feel the pressure to push even though nothing was hurting because of the epidural.
The doctor came in about 10:00 to start the "real" pushing and birthing process. I pushed for about 20 more minutes and Toots was born at 10:23 AM! Like I said before, he weighted 7 lbs, 9 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long. He didn't seem to have much hair at first - hardly any on top and some brown around the sides and back - but today it looks like he has a little more and it's just lighter on top. Toots barely got out of me before he was crying and crying. Tim cut the cord and was an awesome support the entire time - he never got sick or anything, which we worried about a little.
The nurse told me that my labor was approximately 5 hours and 40 minutes from start to finish and that was almost unheard of for a first baby. Also, I only had to push for about 1 hour or a little less and that was also extremely rare for a first timer. She told me I was "made to have babies" haha. I got really lucky with everything and still want to have the 3 more kids I wanted to have before this one :) I had a 1st degree tear, so I had to get some stitches but the doctor said it wasn't bad at all. I actually thought the most uncomfortable part was delivering the placenta (gross, I know).
We ended up getting to come home Thursday afternoon, so I only had to stay at the hospital about 36 hours or so. The first night wasn't too bad but last night we didn't sleep hardly at all. I thought Toots wasn't getting enough milk from me because he started crying about every 20-30 minutes and I thought he wanted to eat everytime but he ended up having a lot of gas this morning and the pediatrician said it was probably from that that he was waking up and he just took my breast because babies always think they want to eat when their tummy doesn't feel well. He is down to 7 lbs 2 oz from his original birth weight but my milk should be coming in at any time now and he'll start to gain it back.
Now, here's what you really want - some pictures!
First time I saw him after he was born
Close up of brand-new Thorne
The new family :)
Ride home from the hospital in his cute little outfit. Of course, it had to be practically the coldest day in 4 years or something like that!
This one is kind of blurry and not the best shot, but here is Tucker's new shirt to announce his new status in the family. It said "only child" and that is crossed out and it now says "BIG brother." He is a little unsure about Toots and gets upset when he cries very loudly, but last night was way better than the first night as far as his level of being upset by the crying, so we're thinking he's getting used to him.
Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend! If I left anything out or you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do another post (soon, hopefully!).
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 4:55 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
He's here! At 10:23 am, weighing 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. I will post a couple pictures soon!
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 5:15 PM 8 comments
I am in labor! Got to the hospital at around 6:00. I got my epidural and I'm already 8 cm dialated! He should be here by noon!
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 8:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
I went to the doctor this morning and found out I am 3 cm dialated and 90% effaced! He didn't think I would dialate anymore than I was last week before I was actually in labor, so he was pretty surprised, too. He said it was uncommon for someone with their first child to be this far without actually being in labor. Soooo.....drum roll please.....if I don't have the baby sometime this week, we are inducing MONDAY morning (January 11th)!!! I will have to be at the hospital sometime between 5 AM and 7 AM on Monday morning - someone is supposed to call me within 24 hours to let me know - and they will start the pitocin to bring on my contractions. He said with as far along as I already am, he anticipates I would deliver him between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM on Monday afternoon. So, no matter what, we are going to have a baby in SEVEN days!!!!
I haven't taken my belly picture this week, I'll do that tonight, so this is a picture-less post, unfortunately. But, I couldn't wait to share the exciting news with everyone :) He hasn't moved any lower in my pelvis (still at -2 station) but Tim thinks by the way the doctor was talking that he doesn't think I will make it until Monday before going into labor. We'll see, but it's so exciting to 1. know that I am making progress and, 2. know that we are going to have him within a week regardless.
On a darker note, my Nanny was having some heart issues (she had a heart attack when I was in 4th grade) this week and went to the doctor this morning and had to be taken by ambulance to a hospital in a nearby town. We haven't heard anymore news on what's going on - she was getting some tests run and then supposed to find out what they are going to do. My Papa thinks she is going to have to have open heart surgery. It's scary and I know she is really upset she might not be able to make the trip here for Brendan's birth. I will update as soon as I know something, but if you could please say a prayer for her that everything is okay and they get her fixed up and healthy again, I would really appreciate it.
Again, hope everyone had a Happy New Year and a great weekend! I'm glad y'all are enjoying Tim's Fuzzy's post :)
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 2:42 PM 4 comments
Fuzzy's Tacos
Tim is guest-posting again to tell you about his experience at Fuzzy's Tacos recently. If you want to read the last "review" he did on a restaurant, go here (click on "here").
Great Lunch experience today. No mob roaches this time. Everything happened like you would imagine in a dream. It started with pulling up to Fuzzy's Tacos and getting the very front parking spot. The one right by the door. The spot that you always drive by and think, no one really gets to park there, someone just pulls in and leaves their car there all day, because it is a conspiracy by the world to prevent me from parking anywhere close to where I want to go. And I mean it was close, it took me three steps from truck door, to front door.
So my friend, Hameed, and I took our positions in line. If you haven't been there, the place is known for their Habenero soft tacos. They come with feta, tomatoes, lettuce and such. My favorites are fish tempura and beef. When you order you basically mad dash for a seat because the lunch crowd gets pretty packed. There are always awkward people standing around looking uncomfortable because they aren't aggressive enough to find a seat. The way you retrieve your food is pretty unsuccessful. Poor-English-speaking employees randomly yell out numbers that could very well be insults about your weight or hair for all I know, which leads to why this was such a successful outing.
I hear my number and confidently approach the counter where the food is produced. I have been here before, I know what I am doing. It was not my number.
I stand by the counter for a few minutes trying to decipher the strange sounds coming from the employees. I hear my number, grab my two taco baskets and head for the table with my mouth watering. Upon sitting I eagerly peer past the paper wrapping and I have three tacos, not two. Huh, whats this, these aren't beef and fish, they are shrimp and fish. Uh oh. I am now a thief, have committed a crime of moral turpitude, and am looking around feeling like everyone knows what I have done. That I am now the fuzzy taco thief, the scum of Fort Worth, who will soon be stoned by the children of Fort Worth with Fuzzy's hard tacos because I don't like them. So I think, it is not a crime until I eat them right. If i can still give them back despite my touching them, it will be ok.
Then, I hear my real number. Somehow of all the 30 or so numbers that have been called so far my real number blares out over the crowd in perfect clarity. NINETY-ONE!!!! They know, don't they! That I have taken from society. I don't know what to do. NINETY ONE!!!!! No one is complaining yet about missing their order. Any second I am expecting a mother of nine children to begin complaining that someone took her children's food. NINETY-ONE!!!!!!!! Damn you. Damn you for discovering the English language on my number. So I cautiously re-approach the counter and say "Thats my order, but I think I took someone elses." Guy at counter says "Its okay. Just take that one too." Huh, excuse me? Amazing. Is this for real? I then stupidly repeat as if hit by a stupid truck, "I can have all of them?" I am a thief and yet I am about to be rewarded. Am I on one of those shows where they test people to see if they do they right thing? Millions of people all over the world will judge Americans based on me stealing tacos.
So I take them. All five. 'Cause I had to. Or they would have gone to waste.
Posted by Lauren Thorne at 8:35 AM 3 comments