Monday, November 29, 2010

Vote for Brendan!

I entered Brendan's picture in a contest to be on the cover of Parent's magazine. One of the pictures I entered was selected to be a finalist in this week's Reader's Choice contest, where the winner wins $250. It's based on votes, so I would realllllly appreciate it if you would go and vote for him! Voting ends December 5th and you can vote once a day until then.

You don't have to register or anything, you just follow this link, click that you want to vote on his picture and it will bring up an ad for a business (mine was a Toyota ad) and you will have to type in a word from the ad (mine was Corolla LE). The word will either be bolded in black or it will say something like "please enter this word into the box below." Easy peasy :)

Please be so kind to let me know if the link doesn't work. It is the picture of him sitting and looking up at the camera with a half-smile in front of a blue door from the post from last week. Thanks in advance for helping Brendan's college fund :)


Natalie said...

I just went to the link and it isn't Brendan? Is it tied to a "place"?